11 Reasons Why Business Communication is Critical to Your Company’s Success

Organizations are now becoming aware that sending generic company-wide emails or using outdated Intranet is not enough to catch employees’ attention!

Therefore, many companies are now implementing mobile-first employee communications apps in order to improve employee communication, ensure that employees always have access to important information, and to make sure that the entire organization is aligned.

To add, the growing shift towards remote work is also one of the reasons why employers are looking into implementing communications solutions that best mimic social and communications apps that employees use in their private lives.

This way, business communications becomes much easier, faster and more streamlined.

20 Interesting Business Communications Facts

If you like statistics, you will also like this section. Let’s take a look into some f the most interesting internal business communications facts.


How Technology Can Help You Improve Business Communication at Your Workplace

In the world of digital transformation, companies must be ready to adopt new technologies to improve their organizational efforts.

As employee communications and engagement have become extremely important, new tools in this field have evolved.

As mentioned earlier, emails, intranets and other outdated employee communications solutions are not enough anymore.

Today, we see new software solutions that enable companies to improve both internal and external business communications.

With Haiilo, companies across the world have managed to:

  • Increase employee engagement
  • Boost employee productivity
  • Eliminate information silos
  • Increase employee advocacy
  • Boost marketing and sales efforts
  • Keep a finger on the pulse of employee well-being
  • Improve employer brand awareness
  • Attract more high-quality talent

The Future of Business Communication

The pandemic has drastically changed communication in the workplace.  To get a better understanding of what business communication may look like in the near future, check out this short video where internal communication experts explain what essential skills employee comms professionals need to develop to adjust to the new normal ?