30 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Ideas, Meals and Snacks

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Here are 30 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food ideas of healthy food and snacks with zero points to help you lose weight and eat healthily. While it’s not necessary on WW to eat only zero point foods, these ideas will help round out your meals and keep you full and satisfied while also helping you to lose more weight.

Weight Watchers Zero Point Food

Are you a WW member and you want to take advantage of delicious foods that you don’t have to track? Here are 30 delicious options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Remember that with the new WW Personal Points Plan, you get an individualized list of zero point foods.

WW Personal Points zero points Food ListClick here for the complete WW personal points zero point food list with free printable.

Click here for a printable list of all the WW Personal Points Zero Point Foods.

Click here for tips and hacks on taking the WW PP food assessment. (Don’t like your list of zero point foods? You can change it as many times as you’d like.)

What are Weight Watchers Zero Point Foods?

On the WW program, zero point foods are those that have no point value and don’t need to be tracked. Yee-haa! Do keep in mind, though, that zero point foods are not zero calories so eat them only to fullness.

With the new WW Personal Points plan, your zero point foods are unique to you, so remember that not all of the foods listed below will be zero points for you. Check your zero point food list in the app to make sure.

Also keep in mind that 1 cup of non-starchy veggies earns points, so load up on those vegetables!

Non-starchy vegetables are zero points for everyone, no matter the plan. If you are following the WW diabetic plan, fruit has points and you do not have zero point carbs, but you have a large list of zero point protein options.

Here are just some of the WW zero point foods:

  • apples
  • bananas
  • melon
  • mango
  • celery
  • cabbage
  • skinless chicken breast and ground chicken breast
  • corn
  • plain, non-fat yogurt and Greek yogurt
  • fat-free cottage cheese
  • oatmeal

Check out our Weight Watchers 3 Day Zero Point Meal Plan if you want to experiment with a few days of eating all zero point foods. While this isn’t something to do long-term, you can experiment with a few days of all zero point foods as a way to kick start or weight loss or get a fresh start after you’ve fallen off the wagon.

List updated 11/19/21.

30+ WW Personal Points Zero Point Food Ideas for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks

Here is a helpful list of zero point meals and snacks. Even if some of these foods are not zero points for you, they are low in points due to the protein and/or fiber and are very healthy foods.

1. Zero Point Weight Watchers Breakfast Ideas

  1. Hard boiled egg (Use these hacks to make Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs, Air Fryer HB eggs, or HB eggs in the oven)
  2. Scrambled eggs with veggies and salsa
  3. Omelet with eggs and vegetables
  4. Plain Greek yogurt + thawed frozen fruit. (Add zero point sweetener if desired)
  5. Fruit Salad
  6. Applesauce – try the applesauce pouches for on-the-go breakfasts and snacks.

Get lots more WW Breakfast Ideas here.

eggs in ice water bathHard boil eggs in the Instant Pot for an easy breakfast.

2. Zero Point Weight Watchers Lunch Ideas

Get more WW meal prep lunch ideas here.

WW Buffalo turkey meatballsWW Buffalo Turkey meatballs. Zero point meatballs? Yes, please!

3. Zero Point Weight Watchers Dinner Ideas

Get more easy ww dinner ideas for every night of the week here.

4. Easy Weight Watchers Snacks For Zero Points

  1. Hard boiled eggs
  2. Fruit salad
  3. Plain Greek yogurt with frozen, thawed fruit
  4. Lettuce wraps with chicken breast
  5. Edamame
  6. Tofu cubes – oven roasted or glazed with Buffalo sauce, great for WW vegetarian members. (Get more WW vegetarian and vegan recipes here.)
  7. Vegetables and zero point ranch dip.
  8. Free deviled eggs (use plain Greek yogurt in place of mayo in your favorite recipe)
  9. Black bean dip (mash black beans, add salsa) with vegetable
  10. Corn on the cob
  11. Applesauce
  12. Three bean salad (beans of choice, vinegar, spices, and sweetener if desired)
  13. Fresh Salsa and Veggies
  14. Fruit Salad
  15. Roasted Peaches

What are your favorite Weight Watchers zero point food? Share your ideas in the comments below.

Weight Watchers Success Story: How I Lost 100 Lbs

I’ve been following Weight Watchers for many years and in fact, lost most of my 100 lb weight loss following the program. I love incorporating zero point foods into my daily eating plan because they are filling, satisfying, and full of healthy produce and protein.

Having zero point foods available definitely was an important factor in my weight loss and helps me maintain at WW Lifetime and my goal weight now.

Read more about my weight loss story here:

100 lb Weight Loss: HOW did you DO It?

100 lb Weight Loss: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Sara Before And After, Weight Watchers Zero Point Food

Today, I run an online Christian women’s fitness and healthy eating program, Faithful Finish Lines, and I still follow the Weight Watchers program because it works.

Hacks for 0 Point Snacks and Meals

Remember, the goal is not to eat only zero point foods, but rather to incorporate them in your weight loss meal plan. Now you don’t need to get stuck being hungry and grabbing something unhealthy…you have plenty of zero point foods to choose from.

This handy Weight Watchers Zero Points List is helpful to give you ideas on those days when you want to save your points for a bigger meal or treat. Incorporating these foods on a regular basis will also keep you satisfied and keep hunger to a minimum.

Want even more? Check out our 12 Zero Point Recipes list for even more delicious ideas.

Why Eat Zero Point Foods?

WW has designed the program so that zero point foods are all high in nutrition while being low in points. All members enjoy vegetables being zero points, except starches like corn and potatoes.

Weight Watchers recipes are really convenient and make keeping the weight off possible while still enjoying healthy food. The wide selection of fruits, vegetables, and proteins for Weight Watchers Zero Point Foods on the program gives you food freedom.

There are so many Weight Watchers recipes out there; be sure to look below for inspiration and make your own WW meal plan that takes advantage of these yummy diet foods, or take advantage of one of our pre-done, free to print MyWW meal plans.

Can You Really Eat As Much Zero Point Food as You Want and Still Lose Weight?

Yes and no. Remember that zero points does not mean zero calories. Eat to gentle fullness.

You might be wondering how someone can eat all these foods for “free” and still lose weight. The answer lies in the daily points given for other, non-zero point foods, which adjust according to each WW plan.

In 2017, Weight Watchers introduced a Freestyle program which included an even bigger list of zero point foods with 200 foods. This was so exciting for members.

In 2019, WW made some changes to their branding (now officially called WW for Wellness Wins) and continued to offer members zero point foods.

In 2020, WW has introduced the MyWW program where members can choose between the Green plan with 100 zero points foods, the Blue plan with 200 zero point foods and the Purple plan with 300 zero point foods.

Now with the WW Personal Points plan in 2021, members take an assessment and have their own selected list of zero point foods.

While not every food you eat should be zero points, these zero point food choices are good for weight loss, healthy, and can be eaten often. (Plus, no counting!)

Best Weight Watchers Recipes

Weight Watchers 7 Day Basic Meal Plan –  This Weight Watchers 7 Day Meal Plan will be a huge help in your weight loss efforts. Whether you are just getting started or have been doing Weight Watchers/WW for years, having a plan is always incredibly helpful, and this Weight Watchers meal plan for MyWW Green, Blue, and Purple will guide you to weight loss.

Meal Prep – WW Chicken Cobb Salad – This Weight Watchers Meal Prep Chicken Cobb Salad recipe is the perfect lunch to prepare ahead to make your healthy weekday eating a breeze. Stay on the program with WW while you eat delicious, healthy food that is low in points but high in satisfaction and flavor.

Weight Watchers 3 Day Zero Point Meal Plan – What would happen if you ate only zero point foods for a whole day, or even a few days, on Weight Watchers? With the new Weight Watchers points system that includes 100, 200 or 300 zero point foods on MyWW Green, Blue, or Purple plans, it’s possible. Here is a Weight Watchers 3-Day Zero Points Meal Plan for you to follow.

Weight Watchers Crustless Pumpkin Pie – If you love pumpkin pie, be prepared to be blown away by this delicious, super low calorie Weight Watchers Crustless Pumpkin Pie. This recipe was shared at my Weight Watchers meeting last week, and I’ve already made it twice.

10 Things I Learned During My First Week at Weight Watchers – After a long hiatus from using the Weight Watchers program, I am back to using Weight Watchers to help me lose weight I regained during this last year. Going back to using the Weight Watchers system, I discovered some things were like coming back to an old friend while others were a rude –and yes, a bit painful– awaking. Read on for tips I learned and hopefully, you can learn from me and not make the same mistakes I did. Here are 10 things I learned during my first week at Weight Watchers.

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Zero Point Foods, Zero Point Snacks