About Branch | The leader in mobile linking and measurement

We are proud of having helped Fortune 500 companies as well as start-ups build more connected and seamless experiences for their end users. With over 100K apps that have chosen Branch to help with their growth efforts, 1,375 tech partners, and +3B monthly users globally, we are excited to continue to build and maintain a more open, connected and relevant digital ecosystem in the years ahead.

Branch was founded on the fundamental principle that breaking down walled gardens and silos on the internet is a critical requirement to enable brands to build engaging and relevant end user experiences. We initially focused on delivering the world’s most advanced deep linking solution that handled all the complexities of the mobile ecosystem to take users to their specific intended destination regardless of the platform or channel they were coming from or going to. Building on that success, we have since expanded our solution to help organizations streamline end-user acquisition, engagement and marketing measurement in a holistic manner across all platforms, devices, and channels.