Business Insurance | QBE Vietnam

With our long-standing presence in the Asia region, QBE has developed a wealth of local knowledge in each of the countries and territories where we operate. This in-depth understanding of our customers, the environments they do business in and the specific risks they face, enables us to provide the right insurance solution for each of our clients. By drawing on the expertise of our offices throughout the region, we are able to offer a diverse range of high-quality general insurance products that are capable of mitigating complex risks.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the risks and challenges facing business owners. Today, even a relatively minor disruption in normal operations can have a significant and negative impact on a company. QBE Vietnam provides specialist insurance solutions tailored to suit our customers’ individual needs. We also provide reinsurance support seeking long-term and mutually profitable relationships.

To find out more please click on one of our product summaries for a brief outline of the insurance coverage, the full details of which are stated in the relevant policy document.