Danish restaurant tops list again – no, not Noma – Scandasia

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The World’s 50 Best Restaurants award has for the second year in a row crowned a less known restaurant than the famous Noma restaurant in Copenhagen as the best place to eat.

This year it is Geranium – likewise located in Copenhagen – that gets top honours. Remarkable, not only for the close proximity to last year’s winner, also because the restaurant is an entirely “meat-free zone.”

Head chef, Rasmus Kofoed made the decision that his restaurant would go entirely vegetarian this year. It hasn’t hurt the menu or the appetites of diners. Geranium recently claimed its third Michelin star.

News of the restaurant has made all its way to New Zealand, where New Zealand Herald has published a detailed description of Geranium.

“Although, small amounts of fish and seafood still make it onto the menu – including the smoked lumpfish caviar and rollmöpse – the ingredients are all seasonally foraged,” New Zealand Hearald writes.

These are not cheap eats. To enjoy Kofoed’s menu you will need plenty of money and time. There is no a-la-carte in this Copenhagener diner, only a seasonal 20-course tasting menu.

In 2012, Rasmus Kofoed made a guest appearance at the InterContinental Hua Hin, including a special dinner for Ambassador Michael Hemniti Winther and his wife Ratanawadee.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==Danish chef IMG 4581See https://scandasia.com/10801-danish-culinary-delights-at-intercontinental-hua-hin/