Early Childhood Educators Courses | UCLA Continuing Education Online

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EDUC X 321.23

Adult Supervision in Early Childhood Programs

This online course offers principles and methods for supervising other adults in the early childhood classroom. Participants will learn to guide and mentor classroom aides, assistant teachers, and parent volunteers.



EDUC X 321.25

Anti-Racism and Teaching in a Diverse Society for Early Childhood Education

In this online course, students define and recognize culture and its role in children’s development. Students are introduced to theory and practice for anti-bias in early childhood education and curriculum.



EDUC X 321.246

Bilingual and Multilingual Learning in Early Childhood

Learn how to encourage children’s development in two or more languages. This course covers strategies to support dual language learners in early childhood settings.

EDUC X 312.11

Building Self-Esteem in Young Children

Learn strategies to create a classroom environment that supports the development of healthy social and emotional development and a positive sense of self in children.


Child Development/Desarrollo Infantil

Learn about the development of young children. This online child development course covers the scientific study of developmental from the prenatal period through childhood, including development across social and cultural contexts and genetic and environmental factors.



EDUC X 321.15

Desarrollo de Currículo y Manejo del Aula de Clase (Curriculum Development and Classroom Management)

Este curso enseña la preparación, planificación e implementación de currículos apropiados para el desarrollo de niños pequeños. Aprenderán a cómo construir un ambiente y cómo manejar comportamiento y socialización en el aula.

EDUC X 321.1

Desarrollo en la Infancia Temprana: de 0 a 12 años de Edad (Development in Early Childhood)

Este curso introductorio cubre la teoría del crecimiento y desarrollo infantíl de la etapa prenatal a los años intermedios. Los estudiantes aprenderán desarrollo físico, cognitivo, social y emocional y de lenguaje.

EDUC X 321.74

Developing an Infant and Toddler Child Care Program

This online course introduces the components and implementation of a quality infant-toddler care program.



EDUC X 321.26

Documentation, Observation, and Assessment of Young Children

This is an introductory course on observation, documentation and assessment in ECE. Learn to create appropriate curriculum for your group, to document growth and thinking, and to use California ECE resources.



EDUC X 440.2

ECE Educator Liability Fundamentals: How to Protect Children and Safeguard Your Career

This online course offers care providers and administrators a view of their legal responsibilities around child safety, ways to reduce risk in the ECE setting, and what to do when a child is injured, abused, or neglected.

EDUC 721.1

Early Childhood Education Programs Information Session

Curious to know where to begin your journey into the world of Early Childhood Education? It starts here! Register for this one-hour information session to find out how our Early Childhood Education programs can help you reach your professional goals.

EDUC X 321.11

El Niño Pequeño en la Familia y la Comunidad (The Young Child in the Family and Community)

Este curso enseña las influencias culturales y sociales entre el niño pequeño, la familia, y la escuela. Explica la importancia de participación y compromiso entre la familia y la escuela para el éxito del niño pequeño.

EDUC X 321.39B

El Papel de los Juegos en la Educación en la Infancia Temprana (The Role of Play in Early Childhood Education)

Este curso ofrece una perspectiva contemporánea del aprendizaje mediante el juego en la primera infancia. Aprenderán como el juego crea desarrollo óptimo en el cerebro infantil y la función ejecutiva.

EDUC X 321.31

Exploring Ideas from Reggio Emilia in American Context

This course offers an in-depth exploration of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Learn how its theory, philosophy, and principles relate to current early childhood education practices.


Foundations of Early Care and Education: An Introduction to Teaching Young Children/Introducción a la Enseñanza de Niños Pequeños

Learn about early care and education approaches and how to identify quality care. Explore history, development, and philosophies of early childhood education programs.



EDUC X 321.59

Health, Nutrition, and Safety in Early Childhood

This online course covers guidelines for creating a safe and healthy environment for the young child, including emergency preparedness, health and public safety issues, and the nutritional needs of young children. 



EDUC X 321.19

Home and School Cooperation for Administration of Early Childhood Centers

This online course teaches students how to collaborate with parents for an optimal learning environment where children, parents, and teachers function as a team in the educational process.

EDUC X 321.61

Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings

This online course is designed for early childhood professionals at all levels to create inclusive learning environments for young children with special needs and to comply with legislative requirements of ADA and IDEA.



EDUC X 321.71

Infant and Toddler Development and Care

This online course introduces cognitive, physical and socio-emotional development of children from birth through 36 months. Students will learn appropriate, inclusive, and respectful care practices.  

EDUC 726

Intersectionality and Inclusive Education

Identify cultural diversity as a workable frame for cultural humility in the online classroom.

EDUC X 321.12

Introducción a la Enseñanza de Niños Pequeños (Introduction to Teaching Young Children)

Este curso introduce las historias y filosofías de los programas del cuidado de la primera infancia. Aprenderán los criterios de calidad, las estrategias y prácticas, y como satisfacer las necesidades de los niños pequeños.


Introduction to Curriculum and Learning Environments/Introducción al Currículo y Ambientes de Aprendizaje

This online course covers early childhood developmentally appropriate curriculum methods; creating learning environments; and implementation of effective early childhood management techniques.



EDUC X 321.44

Music and Movement in Early Childhood Education

This online course covers how to plan and lead developmentally appropriate music activities for young children and how to incorporate music in your curriculum.



EDUC 720

Parenting Skills for Busy Parents: Developing Sound Parenting Methods During Quarantine and Beyond

Learn researched-based methods to create powerful learning environments while balancing work and raising your child during these uniquely challenging times. 

EDUC 730

Planning for the Future: Transition Planning for Parents and Adolescents

In this workshop, parents and their adolescents will be taught a simple and practical framework that takes the guesswork out of transition planning.


Play and the Developing Brain in Early Childhood Education

This online course provides a contemporary, research-based perspective of learning through play in early childhood settings, and how this supports optimal brain development and executive function skills.



EDUC X 321.6

Positive Discipline Strategies for Young Children

This online course identifies the causes of disruptive behavior and presents strategies for eliminating it in early childhood classrooms.

EDUC 845.5

Study Skills

This workshop is an introduction on how to succeed in school and beyond with easy-to-implement strategies and the right mindset for more effective learning!

EDUC X 321.2

Supervision and Administration of Early Childhood Centers: Part I

This online course in early childhood program administration offers an introduction to the logistical and philosophical details of planning and implementing developmentally appropriate care and education of young children.



EDUC X 321.21

Supervision and Administration of Early Childhood Centers: Part II

This online course offers an overview of administration leadership principles in early care and education. Participants will learn about leadership, supervision, program evaluation, and professional development of staff.



EDUC X 312.42

Techniques for Behavior Change in Young Children

In this online course, students learn theories of behavior change, cultural impacts on behavior, and how to create classroom environments and use strategies that help children to control their behaviors.




The Young Child in the Family and Community/El Niño Pequeño en la Familia y Comunidad

Create social equity in the classroom and drive your school’s parent engagement to improve children’s outcomes. This online early childhood development course focuses on the social and cultural dynamics between the young child, family, and community.

