Fill Up On Fibre: Meal and Snack Ideas – Unlock Food


bowl of oats with fruit, nuts, seeds and yogurt on top

Planning higher fibre, healthy meals and snacks can help you manage diabetes and help you feel your best. Meal and snacks should be based on healthy choices from Canada’s Food Guide.

Here are some tasty meal ideas:

Higher Fibre Breakfast Ideas

  • Warm large-flake oatmeal cereal with chopped pear and sunflower seeds, enjoyed with a skim milk latte.

  • High fibre cereal with skim milk topped with chopped dried apricots and almonds.

  • Homemade bran muffin and a fruit smoothie made with a small banana, frozen strawberries and skim milk.

  • Greek yogurt topped with blueberries and a crunchy high fibre cereal.

Higher Fibre Lunch Ideas

  • Minestrone soup and tuna on whole grain crackers and an orange for dessert.
  • Small spinach salad with carrot, apple chunks, hard cooked eggs and cucumber, served with a whole grain bun topped with cheese.

  • Almond butter and banana wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla with a side of baby carrots.

  • Vegetable Quinoa Salad served with warmed pear slices topped with a scoop of plain low fat yogurt for dessert.

Higher Fibre Dinner Ideas

For more great meal ideas, see the Diabetes Menu Plan for Prevention and Management and try these healthy recipes.

High fibre snack ideas

Healthy snacks can help you keep your blood glucose levels under control between meals. The size of your snack depends on your daily meal plan and should be discussed with your dietitian. Here are some healthy high fibre snack ideas: 

  • Low-fat whole grain granola bar – without chocolate, caramel and marshmallow. Try this homemade version

  • An orange and roasted, unsalted soy nuts.

  • Berries – blueberries, raspberries, strawberries or blackberries.

  • Baby carrots with hummus.

  • Whole grain crackers and roasted edamame (green soybeans in the pod).

  • Air-popped popcorn sprinkled with a little grated parmesan cheese.

  • Homemade trail mix: high fibre cereal with chopped dried fruit and unsalted nuts (e.g. almonds or walnuts).

  • Peanut butter spread on a small apple.

  • Low fat plain yogurt topped with ground flax seed.

Want more snack ideas? See our healthy small snacks and large snacks for people with diabetes. 

Fibre and managing diabetes

Ask your doctor or health care provider for a referral to a Diabetes Education Program and join in on the classes on diabetes prevention and management. You can also meet with a Registered Dietitian one-on-one for more advice.

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Focus on Fibre

Fibre: Healthy Benefits for Diabetes

Diabetes Menu Plan for prevention and management