Health insurance information centre

No matter which health insurance you choose, one question stands out: can you count on your insurance when you really need it? A legitimate question of extra importance when it comes to your health insurance. After all, it concerns your health. The Zorgverzekering Informatie Centrum (Health Insurance Information Centre) provides you with information to help you choosing a health insurance in the Netherlands that suits to your needs.

Health Insurance: right to good care

Access to good medical care is a fundamental right for everyone who lives in the Netherlands. This right is enshrined in the Dutch Health Insurance law: anyone who lives in the Netherlands and / or enjoys an income in the Netherlands is obliged to at least have a basic health insurance, so that the security of good care is guaranteed for everyone.

The right to choose your own health insurance

You basically decide which insurance you take. You can take your personal circumstances and preferences into consideration. Is a basic health insurance sufficient enough or would you rather choose an additional health insurance? Do you have special needs or certain fundamental objections? Do you live in the Netherlands but work abroad? And what if you want to have children? You can also choose to switch to another health insurance company every year around late November: will you stay with your current insurance company or will you change to another company? Compare Dutch Health Insurance now!

Z.I.C.: Easy accessible information about health insurances

The Z.I.C. strives to collect all actual information on health insurances in the Netherlands for you. The data that you will find on our website about individual health insurance companies, matches the data that the different health insurers have made available on their own website. This way, we hope to create an easy accessible information platform where you can compare the different health insurances by yourself. This way, you can decide whether or not you would like to switch to a new insurance.