Learn to Ride a Motorcycle | Harley-Davidson USA

After enrolling, you should be contacted by your dealership with any specifics to your course, including what to bring, what is required, and where and when to meet. Some dealers will have the coach call you, welcome you, remind you of items to bring and answer any questions you might have about the class.


Many states use the Motorcycle Safety Foundation curriculum and many of those employ the MSF Basic eCourse as a component of your overall class. The eCourse replaces a classroom session at the dealer and can easily be completed at your convenience prior to the first night of class. Look through your welcome email and if the dealer sent a link to the MSF Learning Center(Note: You may be required to pay a separate fee if the dealer did not include this in your class fee).


Be sure to budget time prior to the first day of class to complete the eCourse – it takes about 3 hours, and even if you have previous experience with motorcycling, you cannot fast forward through any sections of the eCourse. You will receive a completion certificate at the end of the course, be sure to print that out and bring it to the first day of class. 

Take the e-course


You will need to bring these items to class with you

  • Your Driver’s License and/or Learner’s Permit
  • Proof of completion of any pre-required course study
  • Any materials provided to you prior to or during class