New Hampshire | Top 100 Golf Courses

New Hampshire is known as the Granite State due to its geology and the historical importance of quarrying in the region. The second most northerly state in New England, New Hampshire is not a hot bed for top ranked golf courses but there are enough quality tracks worthy of closer attention from a crop that extends to around one hundred golf clubs.

New Hampshirites swap their golf clubs for skis between November and March so pack your clubs during the summer season and enjoy one of the more undiscovered golfing states in the USA. 90 golf clubs are affiliated to the New Hampshire Golf Association and there are approximately 115 golf courses in play across the state.

Our coverage of New Hampshire’s Best In State golf courses now extends to a Top 20. If you are an aficionado of the best golf layouts in this region and would like to help develop and shape our New Hampshire rankings, we’d love to hear from you, so please contact us.

Our New Hampshire Best In State Rankings were last updated in December 2020. Click the link to read the story.