New York State of Health | Health Plan Marketplace for Individual and Small Business Health Insurance

Important Information Before You Apply

Children can apply for coverage any time during the year. Low-income adults who may be eligible for Medicaid or the Essential Plan can also apply at any time during the year.(Visit here to see if you are eligible.)

Other individuals and families can apply for coverage in a Qualified Health Plan only during the Open Enrollment Period which begins November 1 every year, unless they have a life event, such as loss of coverage, marriage or birth of a child, that qualifies them for a Special Enrollment Period.Individuals must apply within 60 days of the Qualifying Life Event.

If you are applying for Qualified Health Plan coverage, you may enroll online, by phone, or with an enrollment assistor on or before January 31, 2021.

NY State of Health has opened a time-limited exceptional circumstances Special Enrollment Period for other individuals and families to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan due to the ongoing public health emergency caused by the COVID-19. Once you complete your online application, please call Customer Service at 1-855-355-5777.