Online Data Entry Certificate Programs

Learn about certificate programs in data entry and how to access online programs. Find out the skills you might learn in your classes and the careers you could consider.

Can I Earn a Data Entry Certificate Online?

A few schools offer data entry certificate programs that can be completed partially or fully online. To broaden your educational options, you may also want to look into office technology, office skills and office assistant certificate programs. These programs often include training in data entry and are often available online.

Requirements vary, but generally these programs involve 6-13 courses that can be completed in 1-2 years. Be sure to check the certificate requirements carefully. Even if basic coursework is accessible online, there may be mandatory lab time, testing or internships that can’t be done at home.

Program OptionsOnline certifications in data entry, office skills, office technology and office assistant programs
Online Course StructureNo special requirements, but an on-campus session may be required
Typical SkillsDocument formatting, touch-typing, keyboarding, business-related applications
Career OptionsBilling clerk, client relations specialist, receptionist, administrative assistant
Median Salary (2020) $40,990 (for all secretaries and administrative assistants
Job Outlook (2019-2029) 9% decline (for all secretaries and administrative assistants

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 

How Can I Access Online Instruction?

As long as you have a computer with a reliable Internet connection, instruction can be accessed anytime through an online learning management system. You may be required to meet on-campus for an orientation session, but contact with instructors most often takes place via e-mail. Some schools offer evaluative quizzes to help you decide whether online instruction suits your learning style.

What Skills Will I Acquire?

You’ll gain the essential skills needed for fast and accurate input of information into a variety of electronic formats. This involves intensive training in touch-typing, document formatting, computer basics and business-related computer applications. In a broader office skills program, you may also learn about customer relations, machine transcription and office management. Your basic data entry courses may include:

  • Keyboarding
  • Word processing
  • Spreadsheets

What Kind of Jobs Can I Get With My Certificate?

A certificate in data entry can enhance your chances of gaining an entry-level job in an office-support, customer-support or information-management position. Besides working as a data entry specialist, you may also qualify for a variety of office positions, including:

  • Administrative assistant
  • Client relations specialist
  • Receptionist
  • Office assistant
  • Billing clerk