Online Physical Therapy Degree | Programs and Careers

Earning a physical therapy degree online is a convenient, affordable way to launch your career in this expanding industry. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects physical therapist positions to grow by 28% between 2016-2026, while employment for physical therapy assistants should grow by 30% in the same time frame.

Students in physical therapy online courses learn to help patients recover from injuries, illnesses, or diseases that affect their mobility and ability to live pain free. Degree candidates also explore various therapeutic modalities, gaining a nuanced understanding of individualized treatment plans and practices.

Schools make physical therapy degrees available at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. All degree types and program levels provide graduates with opportunities to enter the field and pursue fulfilling, challenging professional roles. At minimum, candidates must possess an associate degree and state licensure to work as a physical therapy assistant. Individuals who complete a bachelor’s degree enjoy many additional career opportunities, including a variety of administrative and clinical positions.

In the following guide, we answer some common questions regarding physical therapy degrees and the professional benefits of each degree. Read on to learn more about opportunities in the industry, along with information about licensure, certification, and professional organizations.