Personal Finance Education & Classes | Free Courses |

At, we believe the cornerstone of financial security is personal finance education. All of our online courses are free and available 24/7. These online free personal finance classes are open to the public without any need to register. Explore customized budgeting and debt solutions that really work by expanding your personal finance education!

We also offer free virtual Financial Classes and Events where you can ask questions in the live chat. If you are interested in offering a virtual financial literacy class for your organization, Request a Virtual Workshop/Webinar. 

Understanding Your Credit Report

Personal Finance Class - Understanding Your credit Report

Our free online course will help you understand how your credit score is calculated, what your credit report says about you, and what you can do to ensure that your credit report is accurate and reflects positively on you.

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Roadmap to Financial Freedom

Personal Finance Class - Roadmap to Financial Freedom

This course helps you to understand the first steps on your journey to financial freedom with through the use of a Debt Management Plan to consolidate and pay back an unsecured debt.

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Creating a Budget 101

Personal Finance Class - Budgeting 101

This course is a great starting point for anyone who feels overwhelmed by all of the bills and paperwork standing between them and financial freedom. We teach you where to start, how to organize your spending, and what things you should prioritize when building your perfect budget.

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Wise Use of Credit

Personal Finance Class - Wise Use of Credit

You have bad credit or need to establish credit —now what? Managing your credit responsibly helps build a solid foundation for your financial future.

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Power of Paycheck Planning

Personal finance education begins with knowing how to plan. This course applies all of our expertise to help you create a budget. Learn strategies for categorizing your expenses, tracking your spending, and putting together a new budget.

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Identity Theft Prevention

The identity theft prevention course will teach you how identity theft works so you know what to do to protect yourself. You’ll learn about your rights as a consumer and find out what to do if identity theft happens to you.

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Budget 911

If a budget emergency strikes, your best response is to act quickly. This course will teach you to live a more wallet-friendly lifestyle so you can weather any budget crisis. We’ll also help you find ways to save more of your income rather than spending every dime.

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Preventing Foreclosure

Learn what to do if your mortgage becomes delinquent or if you are facing foreclosure. Additionally, you will learn what options are available to you as a homeowner.

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Personal Finance Education
At, we believe the cornerstone of financial security is personal financial education. That’s why we developed the FIT Academy, an online personal finance education platform for consumers that teaches personal finance and money management skills. All of our online courses are complimentary and available 24/7. These courses are free and are open to the public without any need to register. Participating in the Pre- and Post-Quizzes, in order to receive your Document of Achievement, is completely optional and requires you to provide your name and email.