Restaurant chain founded by the Raffel brothers hence the name

Restaurant chain founded by the Raffel brothers hence the name

Crossword Clue & Answers

This clue has been rated as VERY RARE

We’ve rated Restaurant chain founded by the Raffel brothers hence the name as VERY RARE because it has not been seen in many publications.

26 December 2017

We found 1 answer for the crossword clue ‘Restaurant chain founded by the Raffel brothers hence the name’.

Based on the recent crossword puzzles featuring ‘Restaurant chain founded by the Raffel brothers hence the name’ we have classified it as a cryptic crossword clue.

We have given Restaurant chain founded by the Raffel brothers hence the name a popularity rating of ‘Very Rare’ because it has not been seen in many crossword publications and is therefore high in originality.

Restaurant chain founded by the Raffel brothers hence the name is a 10 word phrase featuring 62 letters.

Crossword Answers

5 Letters