SAT Test Prep | Online & In-Person | Huntington Learning Center

It’s time to start thinking about college applications and you have your sights set on attending your dream school. But, your top-choice school has a high SAT score requirement and you’re worried you won’t measure up. Your score should never keep you from attending your dream college, so stop fretting and start preparing for a higher score today!

For over 43 years, Huntington Learning Center has been providing students with top of the line SAT tutoring, including test-taking strategies, time-management skills, and academic skills, through individualized instruction from a highly trained SAT tutor. Unlike other SAT prep programs, Huntington provides tutoring on an individual basis with flexible hours to meets the unique scheduling needs of every student. Higher scores on the SAT can mean the difference between going to college and getting into your dream college. Plus, with the right SAT scores, you may also be eligible for a scholarship.

Now more than ever Huntington understands that an evolving educational landscape requires increased flexibility. That’s why we are here to meet you SAT prep needs both in our centers and through our HuntingtonHelps LIVE online test prep option.