Standard Meeting Patterns

  • All classes should use these approved meeting patterns.
  • Sections using general purpose classrooms must use the standard begin AND end times for all of the days of the pattern.
  • Sections using departmentally scheduled rooms must use standard start times. To facilitate student scheduling you are strongly encouraged, whenever possible, to match the end times as well.
  • All requests for an exception to these patterns must be proposed to the chair or program director, reviewed by the dean’s office of the unit, and then submitted to the Associate Provost for Budget and Capital Planning for approval.
  • Any section meeting on a weekend or holiday, including winter and spring breaks, is considered an exception.

TBA for time and day are limited to:

  • Sections that never meet as a group in a campus classroom space (e.g. internships, practica, private lessons, student teaching, independent studies, Undergraduate Research, Readings + Research, Thesis and Dissertation Research, off campus courses, on line courses).
  • Sections that are small and will be scheduled to meet at a mutually agreed upon time in a departmentally controlled space.

When a TBA section intends to use a departmentally controlled space, i.e. the second condition listed above, the building and room must be identified at the time of submission. If the TBA section outgrows the local room there is no guarantee that a general purpose room will be available.

A TBA course cannot be moved to a general purpose classroom after it is set up.  If the department does not have a space large enough to accommodate the class size, it must be changed to a standard meeting pattern to be considered for assignment to a general purpose classroom.  As with other late requests, and this bears repeating, there may not be an available room.