The Pleasure of His Company (1961) – IMDb

PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY was a PLEASURE to watch from beginning to end and LILLI PALMER is totally ravishing and steals the show.. Fred may have been a bit too old and ditto Debbie but it worked anyway and it was charming, from beginning to end and Lilli was absolutely marvelous as usual..Charles Ruggles was hilarious as always and repeated his Tony award winning performance from the original stage play. I highly recommend this bright comedy and San Francisco,such a beautiful city, added to the pleasure of their company. This was not a musical and so Fred danced with his daughter and his wife as he should, a normal man, not a show dancer….but with grace and elegance as usual and he does sing a tiny bit while dancing with Lilli, his ex-wife whom he stills appears to be in love with, who wouldn’t be. If you are looking for a Fred musical, look up one of the MGM or RKO films he did.