Vietnam Recruitment Agency | Headhunt Consultants Vietnam

Participant for the training ‘Managerial Development Program’

I am still cherishing the blessing of God for spending another meaningful day today in learning few very critical aspects of a sales professional walk of life through your teachings. It was one of my best training I have attended and will try to implement one aspect of body language styles and follow it for 21days to make it nature and then to take another to follow…
Thank you so much for teaching us with such interactive yet fun filled examples and this kind of training method is your USP. My heartfelt gratitude for your comments on one of my strengths on explaining and my way of communication. I want to share my experience through email to you as my testimonial towards your way of teaching and the subject. Keep up the great work and our well wishes for your journey ahead. Even if we improve 1% per day,.it’s a great success for the teacher and a responsible seeker. I hereby owe to you that I will practice your teaching on a DAILY basis till it becomes my nature.