What is MyNeighborAlice | MyNeighborAlice (ALICE) Live Price

What is MyNeighborAlice ?

My Neighbour Alice is a farm-themed blockchain game that’s based around the idea that “players can buy and own virtual islands, collect and build exciting items while also making new friends.” Players can access the virtual world through completely customizable avatars. Players can also buy, sell, and trade in real estate in the game through NFTs. Every in-game item on My Neighbour Alice is delivered to owners in the form of NFTs, including purchased land.

Although My Neighbour Alice is a blockchain game, it does not warrant an understanding of the backend to function. Players can play this game just like any other, engaging in missions, and building structures. The game also incorporates DeFi and cryptocurrencies into the ecosystem without making the experience overly mechanical.

Primary features of MyNeighborAlice

Here are some of the primary features of the ALICE coin:

  • The Avatar – is used as a virtual representation of the user in the ecosystem. This avatar could be customized to the user’s preferences using thousands of different types of accessories and apparel.
  • Virtual Island – Players can build virtual islands in the game by combining different types of real estate. These include Medieval Plains, Sandy Coasts, Lummested, Snowflake Islands, etc.

Is MyNeighborAlice a promising cryptocurrency?

My Neighbour Alice has some USPs that set it apart from the hundreds of other blockchain games in the marketplace today. First is its brilliant integration of the blockchain into the user experience. With features like an “in-game friend” that guides players through the initial journey of the game, ALICE makes the entire experience more personable for newbies.

Secondly, the usage of traditional DeFi features is not a compulsion for players; rather, engaging in the technical aspect of the game is simply an option for the majority.

How to use MyNeighborAlice?

  • ALICE can be used to earn rewards in the network’s leading economy. Players can lend out their NFTs or borrow others’ in return for a yield in ALICE.
  • ALICE tokens can also be staked for a fixed return from the blockchain.
  • ALICE tokens, just like the native tokens of other virtual worlds, can be used to buy and sell in-game NFTs and items like avatar accessories or real estate.

Pros & Cons of MyNeighborAlice


  • From July 2021 to November 2021, the coin rallied for more than 750% continuously, making an all-time high at $29.6 (approximately).
  • The project has involved some of the biggest names in the industry, including Genesis Block, X21 Digital, and Bitcale Capital, which imparts credibility to its brand image.
  • My Neighbour Alice currently serves more than a million users every single month, with usage numbers steadily increasing quarter after quarter.


  • My Neighbour Alice is not the only blockchain game out there. Much more capable coins like SAND, MANA, and GALA operate in the same space, extending tough competition to the project from the get-go.

Trade MyNeighborAlice on CoinSwitch

  • You can start trading on the app with only Rs 100.
  • Enables immediate cancellation and deposit to bank accounts immediately.
  • Trade at null fees on this safest Bitcoin exchange.
  • Intuitive and easy user interface.
  • Offers easy monitoring to beginners.

Disclaimer : Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. The information provided in this post is not to be considered as investment/financial advice from CoinSwitch. Any action taken upon the information shall be at user’s own risk.