Aung’s Bangkok Café


Aung Kyaw (pronounced “ung joe”) is a refugee from Myanmar (Burma). Burma sits geo-graphically next door to Thailand. Due to human rights abuses against ethnic tribal people in Myanmar, many walk out of their country to escape. 

Aung left his family in Burma, walking out, to Thailand. Once he reached Bangkok, he met the Chef of a Five Star Restaurant and Hotel. The Chef took him under his wing and taught him his culinary skills. Aung mastered those skills. When he arrived in the US through the United Nations refugee program, his dream was to start a restaurant in America. That was 11 years ago.

Since then, he has cooked at many Thai restaurants in the U.S. His passion for cooking is relentless. He insists on fresh and quality ingredients only. His recipes are authentic Thai. Aung’s lovely wife, Mu Mu, supports his culinary ambitions and works with him in the kitchen.  They have a 9 year old son, Jason Kyaw.

– by Michele and Pat Mangan, Aung and Mu’s American “parents”, and Jason’s “grandparents”! We are proud to partner with Aung in this venture!