Duro West African Cuisine South Hadley

This Is For You, Mom

      Duro brings into town the rich West African culture through food that is delicately prepared with mostly Nigerian spices. I grew up in a household of six siblings who all got their cooking tutorial from our beloved mom, Durojaiye. My mom (of blessed memory) saw family cooking as a craft and a sacred duty. She was so good at it that she could put delicious meals together in no time for visiting guests as well as the entire household. I continue to recall our Sunday afternoon family meals with great nostalgia. I am so very proud of her ability to put ingredients together with great creativity. Growing up, I loved to cook and my mom and dad saw in me the passion and satisfaction I felt whenever the opportunity arose for me to cook for our guests. Duro is named after my mom. I am hopeful that this unique and culturally-focused restaurant will add value and a unique flavor to the community life of the VALLEY. This is a dream come true! 

Mom, this is for you! You taught me to be hardworking and believe in myself.

Owner: Bola