Madame Koko – restaurant of author and molecular cuisine

Madame Koko – who is she? Which name was taken as a base for naming the most comfortable place in one of the overcrowded and historically valued streets of the city? Koko is a cat, living nowadays, but imagination has transferred her into the world of ladies and gentlemen of aristocratic origin.

Koko has many friends, which portraits are placed all over the restaurant: Cardinal Foie Gras, Admiral Kish, Prince Mimolet, Baron Cruton, Duke Camus. With them and the rest You can become acquainted while visiting “Madame Koko”. Koko’s portrait is written by young and very talented artist Ekaterina Malinovskaya and took central place in the restaurant.

The special place in the restaurant is held by Albert Finger piano from 1893 and a string gramophone of the early 20th century. “Madame Koko’s” conception foresees holding musical and poetical evenings.

Also, the author’s cuisine of Chef brightly complements the unusual idea of the restaurant.