Restaurant Depot memphis 38122 open hours, store address, phone number & map directions.

FAQ about Restaurant Depot In Memphis, 38122 (tennessee)

Is Restaurant Depot in Memphis, 38122 (Tennessee) reachable by phone?

Try calling Restaurant Depot 38122 at (901) 761-1660. This is the store’s customer service phone number.

How many days a week is Restaurant Depot in Memphis, 38122 (Tennessee) open for business?

Restaurant Depot 38122 is open for business 7 days a week. The store operates from Monday – Sunday.

Is Restaurant Depot in Memphis, 38122 (Tennessee) open on weekends (Saturday & Sunday)?

Restaurant Depot 38122 is open for business on weekends. You can come visit on Saturday (7:00 am – 4:00 pm) and Sunday (9:00 am – 3:00 pm).

What is the address for Restaurant Depot in Memphis, 38122 (Tennessee)?

The full address for this store is 5301 Summer Ave, Memphis TN 38122.