The 10 Best Italian Restaurants In Fort Lauderdale | boam

How was this list created?

We know how time consuming it can be to find the best Italian restaurants in Fort Lauderdale . We looked at Yelp and Google’s ratings for 16795 spots across Fort Lauderdale , analyzed 823905 restaurant reviews, and sifted through 790 lists and articles from the likes of USA Today, Vacation Idea and CultureTrip – applying our boam magic to sift through results. Yes, we even looked at USA Today – Best Waterfront Dining in Fort Lauderdale, Vacation Idea – 20 Best Restaurants in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and CultureTrip – Top 10 Restaurants In Fort Lauderdale, Florida to pull this list together. Our engine uses real-time data to only show restaurants that are open and their available services, so you can stay safe on your terms. Since boam gets no payment for showing these restaurants, you can trust the restaurants in this list. These ten options are sure to delight.